Yes, in this case, if you have a fiscal sponsor, you can apply with your fiscal sponsor’s EIN number. Fiscal sponsorships can create an opportunity for organizations who have not yet secured a 501c3 nonprofit status to receive grants and donations to fund projects. Note: There are no additional administrative dollars set aside for GO Grant fiscal sponsors.

How do I apply with a fiscal sponsor?

You will need to provide the following information about your fiscal sponsor:

  • the full name of the organization
  • the EIN number of the organization
  • the contact information of the Executive Director or someone otherwise authorized to sign the contract on behalf of the organization. This includes: first and last name, title, and email.
  • banking information, including the name on the account, the name of the bank, the account type, account number, and routing number. This information is optional to apply, but will be required to receive funds.

Prior to applying, we encourage you to communicate with your fiscal sponsor. They will be responsible for signing the contract as well as receiving and disbursing the GO Grant funds.