Funding Racial Justice, Traditional Healing and Cultural Restoration
AMRF is thrilled to offer Mendocino GO Grants to eligible nonprofit organizations and Tribal Nations that explicitly center racial & social justice as part of their community support. We’re specifically looking for groups offering direct services or advocacy addressing one or more of the following:
- Mental Health
- Traditional Healing and Cultural Restoration
- Substance Use Treatment
- Housing and Homelessness
The intention of the Mendocino County GO Grant program is to promote systems change by resourcing organizations often overlooked.
We will begin accepting applications July 25th at 9:30am. Register online today to attend our upcoming virtual Q&A session Tuesday, July 18, 11-12pm to learn more.

Decolonizing community wellness.
This fund is about building resilience in Mendocino County by broadening the definition of mental health and substance use disorder treatment and housing services beyond the “Western” interpretation.
In Mendocino County, this might look like offering GO Grants to support restoring and revitalizing indigenous languages, Native American gathering materials, Native American and Latino foods, dance, traditional medicines, and culturally honored ways of healing for mental health and substance use disorders, including ceremony and ritual, for example.
…we are not just funding programs that focus on our wounds, but also our healing.
This fund includes supporting the celebration of Native American and Latino traditional healing and cultural restoration as cornerstones of community wellness – so that we are not just funding programs that focus on our wounds, but also our healing.
A look at leadership demographics.
40 percent of Mendocino County’s population is currently comprised of people of color. We believe an organization’s Board and/or program leadership should reflect the diversity and demographics of the community it serves. In Mendocino County, this means centering our Native American and Hispanic communities, and other communities of color, as well as the LGBQTIA+ community.
In addition, we recognize the unique perspectives, expertise and insights that are possible when organizations are led by people who have “lived experience” navigating the issues they are working to address – such as personal or familial experience living unsheltered, with mental health challenges, or substance use disorder.

What is a GO Grant?
A GO Grant is a quick turnaround award of $10,000 in General Operating funds. That’s the “GO” in GO Grants. The entire premise of the GO Grant program is one that is anchored by trust – as in we trust you every step of the way. We already know you’re doing great work. You don’t have to prove it with application paperwork. Apply online.
This grant is available on a first-come, first-serve basis for the first 25 organizations. If this description fits your organization, if this sounds like what you do, then this fund is explicitly for you. Come co-create and celebrate community with us. It would be our honor to support you.